How to find the current Avon policies and procedures document for reps
Having trouble finding the Avon policies and procedures for Avon reps? I gotchu! The designated spot for this downloadable document has moved around over the years – but when you know where to look you will get to it very quickly!
Below are step by step instructions on how to find and download it.
Step #1
From your AvonNow homepage, find the “Manage Business” tab and hover over it to see the options.
Under the Seller Central heading, you will see an option called “Documents and Resources”. Click on this.
This will open up a new page with various resources.
Scroll down until you see a heading called “Avon Policies”. Underneath this, you will see a link titled “Business Policies and Procedures for Avon Independent Sales Representatives”. Click on that.
This will open up the document in a new tab.
Step #3
Find the download icon in the top right corner, which looks like an arrow pointing down towards a straight line. Click on this, and your download will begin.
Once the file has downloaded, you can move it around your computer as you see fit.
And that’s it! You’ve just learned how to find and download the Avon Policies and Procedures for representatives.
If you need more help, make sure to check out the other tutorials on the blog. If you don’t see your question answered yet, feel free to ask in the comments below!
very helpful thk u